Saturday, July 24, 2010

IMTBRAS- Aquaponics Set-up

This Aquaponics set-up integrates the processes of a lake...but miniaturized into a $150 package. Fish were provided by a local university, parts were gathered from random garage sales and friends, and a small amount of pvc was purchased from the Depot.

Tilapia, Lake Snails, Freshwater Mussels, Plants, Worms, and Bacteria are all integrated into a symbiotic system that is hyper-productive.

This year I am growing Nile Tilapia, mussles, snails, cherry and heirloom tomatoes, peppers, rosemary, cilatro, broccoli, basil, mint, habaneros, lettuce, honeydew, and an army of worms and bacteria to keep it all in balance.

A cheap pump used for Koi ponds and a small air stone, serve as the only electric elements in the entire system.

A timer designed by Travis Hughey makes for a simple, non-electricity based system that allows for a flood and drain method. (Many thanks to this man!) He basically spearheaded this movement with help from the New Alchemists' living machine principles and Will Allen of Growing Power (and many other people creating aquaponic systems in the Milwaukee Urban area)

I started this system with the intent to build a prototype that could be scalable and replicable in Eastern Africa. Specifically the Lake Victoria region of Kenya when I found that Travis has been working here for a while now... It is perfect for developing countries!! Especially ones that are water scarce and food dependant.

I am trying to create a more aesthetic model next year, integrating cedar and stones to clad the functional waterproof basins that make up the system. I'll keep you all posted if anyone is interested.

-Mookie Tierney


  1. Hi.
    Do you know about the Twin Cities Aquaponics group?

    -Karen Swanberg

  2. Hi Karen,

    I met you outside of Rapson Hall at the University of Minnesota a couple years back. We were carrying 55 gal drums and you called us out for starting an aquaponic system. I am going to Kenya this year to build a full scale system at the location mentioned above with a non-profit org. I would be happy to keep you posted on the progress and planning if you or anyone in the TC Aquaponics group are interested.

