Inside of the growing medium (in this case smooth river stone gathered near the site) there are beneficial bacteria that change the ammonia produced by the fish waste into nutrients that the plants in the system can readily take up (Nitrites>Nitrates). These little guys are the key components of the system and without them, the whole thing would plummet into a state of chaos. They are naturally occurring in the air and in the water so therefore, as long as there is balance in the system, these bacteria will be present, working away. This cyclical movement of water from fish waste laden water to clean aerated water takes about 25 minutes per cycle and keeps the water clean. The fish feeding cycle is accommodating the unique circumstances that this system runs off of. The fish are only fed in the morning and early afternoon, leaving most of their waste to be produced and processed while the sun is still shining (therefore, when the pumps are still running...) In the evening, a set of DC powered aeration pumps keeps the water oxygenated and moving despite the incoming solar power. |
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